Wedding planning tips!

Looking for a photographer?

It's important for both parties that both are happy with the job in hand. Have a look ar their work, read some reviews, and have a chat.

While Instagram is a great way to see work, often people post photos that at their showcase photos. While there is nothing wrong with that, you want to get an idea of your whole day if you're booking for a wedding.

For a photographer, the day is usually fast paced with things going on everywhere. Knowing where they should be looking at key times and knowing where they should, be often comes from experience. Seeing a spread of photos from across a full wedding day will give you a better idea of how they react and deal with this.

On my website you will find 4 examples of just this on my homepage. Click one of the photos to take a brief look at the days of said couples. Remember though, these are not all the photos, just a few!

Get in touch for more info, and to see if your date is free.

